Policy Intention
This policy ensures that all children have equal access to, and are able to, participate meaningfully in all aspects of our care and education.
When children play, communicate and interact with staff and each other, their development is enhanced and their individual needs are met.
All children need support to reduce or eliminate barriers so that they can learn and fully engage in the experiences that we provide.
All children should feel valued, have a sense of belonging and partake in experiences and opportunities that are tailored to their needs.
Genuine inclusion is much more than a child with a place in our setting. It ensures their active and meaningful participation in our curriculum.
Learning & Development
The setting’s management team is responsible for ensuring all legal requirements relating to inclusion and equality of opportunity are met. The Key Person is responsible for meeting the needs of the children in their care. They observe, assess and plan for individual needs.
Our physical environment is planned and resourced to consider the unique needs of each child.
Adjustments and adaptations are made to ensure barriers to learning are reduced or removed.
We adapt experiences and have strategies in place to ensure that all children are enable to actively engage in the curriculum that we provide.
Every child is unique and has differing abilities and needs that are recognised observed, assessed and planned for.
The Progress Check at Age Two acknowledges each child’s development and identifies areas of learning that require a targeted plan.
Safeguarding & Welfare
We provide a range of challenging and enjoyable opportunities for -every child to learn and develop to their full potential, while taking into account age and stage of development, gender, ethnicity, religion, home language and ability.
We ensure that all children have access to; a range of books, toys and other resources which reflect positive images and examples of diversity in our society.
We promote self-esteem and appreciation of others by celebrating the differences which make us all unique.
We regularly review risk assessments to ensure accessibility and reasonable adjustments are made.
We challenge racist and other discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviour from all children and adults with whom we have contact.
We are aware and comply with all legislation and existing codes of practice produced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Equality Act 2010 and the Children and Families Act 2014.
We promote the British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs through the delivery of the EYFS.
We are proactive in providing care to all children taking into account their individual needs and making reasonable adjustments to equipment, activities, the environment and routines where necessary.
We offer external support and work together to support the child and family in line with our Parent Partnerships Policy.
We support staff through training and Continued Professional Development.