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Parent Partnerships

Policy Intention:


This policy details the significance of two-way communication between providers and parents/carers that fully supports the child while in an early years setting.


When parents/carers and childcare practitioners work together, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.

We recognise that a parent/carer plays a vital role as a child’s first and foremost educator.

Our policy details the importance of establishing a strong link between providers and parents/carers to meet the needs of the child.

We have a responsibility to keep parents/carer up to date with their child’s learning and development.




Learning & Development

  • We work in partnership with parents/carers to promote the learning and development of all children.

  • Staff work with parents/carer to meet the learning and development needs of children, discussing and sharing information on how they can support their child’s learning at home.

  • Activities are planned to support development, and the key person will share observations with parents/carers and encourage them to share their observations of their child’s learning at home.

  • We ask parents/carers to inform us of any professionals working with the child and family and we will refer, where appropriate, to relevant professionals.



  • We recognise, and ensure parents/carers are kept up to date with children's progress, including the Progress check at age two, see the Progress Check at Age Two Policy.



Safeguarding and welfare

  • Parents/carers must share any specific dietary requirements and up to date details of medication, to enable us to follow the Administering Medicines Policy.

  • We take appropriate steps when a child is ill and adhere to the Sickness policy.

  • There is a dedicated safe space area for parents/carers to hold confidential discussions.

  • We only release children into the care of individuals notified to us by parents/carers.

  • Our staff are aware of children’s whereabouts, at all times, whilst in our care, in line with the Health and Safety Policy.

  • We record the following information for each child: full name; date of birth; name and address of every parent/carer who is known to the provider (and information about any other person(s) who has parental responsibility for the child); which parent(s)/carer(s) the child normally lives with; and emergency contact details for parents/carers in line with the Information and Records Policy.

  • The following information is available to parents and/or carers:

    1. How the EYFS is being delivered in the setting and how parents/carers can access more information.

    2. The range and type of activities and experiences provided for children.

    3. The daily routines of the setting and how parents/carers can share learning at home.

    4. Details of our policies and procedures (we can make copies available on request), including the procedure to be followed in the event of a parent/ carer failing to collect a child at the appointed time, or in the event of a child going missing at, or away from, the setting.

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