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Accident, Incident and Injury

Policy Intention


This policy is in place so that we can record and report accidents, incidents and injuries internally and review and plan for the most appropriate course of action.

We plan an age-appropriate, suitable but challenging environment to ensure all children have opportunities to grow in confidence and develop in all areas.

We have a duty to keep children safe yet provide them with a stimulating environment that meets their needs, to explore and try out new things as they find out what their bodies can do.

Risk assessments are regularly reviewed to ensure the setting meets the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

If any accidents and injuries occur on the premises, clear procedures, which everyone understands, are followed.




Learning & Development

  • We provide a well thought out environment that provides activities and experiences, covering the steps required to keep child safe but promote their welfare.



  • We understand each child’s needs and monitor accidents or injuries, assessing their physical development in the context of the environment.

  • We give full consideration to any patterns of behaviour that may indicate a risk to the child.


Safeguarding & Welfare

  • We risk assess the premises and physical environment and review when any changes occur or in light of an accident or injury.

  • We ensure staffing arrangements- meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety, including whilst eating.

  • We regularly review, update and practise fire evacuation procedures, recording dates and times of fire drills, see the Emergency Evacuation Policy.

  • We ensure a first aid box, in line with the requirements of our paediatric training, is always accessible by all staff, including while on outings, see the Outings Policy. Expiry dates are checked regularly, and contents replaced as required.

  • At least one paediatric trained first aider will be on the premises and available at all times when a child is in the building. A first aider will accompany children on outings, see the Outings Policy.

  • First aid training will be kept up to date and we will assess if a refresher takes place annually, or full training every three years.

  • This policy should be read in conjunction with the Health and Safety policy.

  • All treatment of accidents and injuries is treated in line with paediatric first aid training.

  • We keep a written record of accidents and injuries and first aid given, ensuring it is shared with the parent/carer on the same day, or soon as reasonably practical.

  • We regularly review incidents, near misses and injuries and ensure incidents are monitored, environments adapted accordingly and consider the accumulative effect of frequent incidents.

  • Where appropriate, we undertake a thorough investigation of incidents and take appropriate action, see the Safeguarding Policy.

  • Ofsted will not be notified of any minor injuries, even if treated at a hospital (for less than 24 hours), including strains, sprains and bruising, cuts and grazes, dislocation of minor joints, minor falls, wound infections, minor burns and scalds, insect or animal bites.

  • If there is a need for an internal or external investigation following an incident, we will work with other professionals as required.

  • In the case of a serious accident, or injury to a child, such as suspected broken bones or loss of consciousness, the most senior member of staff will ascertain the level of medical intervention required and decide upon the most appropriate course of action.

  • Ofsted will be notified within 14 days of:

    1. A serious, significant or worrying incident occurring, including death or serious accident, or illness while in the care of the provider.

A significant incident is anything that requires resuscitation; admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours; a broken bone or fracture dislocation of any major joint, such as the shoulder, knee, hip or elbow; any loss of consciousness; severe breathing difficulties, including asphyxia; anything leading to hypothermia or heat-induced illness; any confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in staff or children. (GOV.UK Guidance, Childcare: reporting children’s accidents and injuries)

    1. A child suffering any loss of sight, whether it is temporary or permanent, or a penetrating injury, chemical or hot metal burn to the child’s eye.

    2. A child suffering any injury from, or that requires medical treatment from absorption of any substance: by inhalation, by ingestion, through the skin; from an electric shock or electrical burn; where there is reason to believe it resulted from exposure to: a harmful substance; a biological agent; a toxin; an infected material.

  • We work with other professionals as required around keeping children safe from serious accidents or injuries.

  • Parents/carers should alert us of any injuries that took place outside of the setting and these should be recorded and monitored in line with the Safeguarding Policy.

  • If an investigation reveals neglect on our part; or if a serious or a series of accident, injury or incidents took place outside of the setting, local child protection agencies will be notified.

  • All staff have read and understood risk assessments, using observations to identify immediate risks and plan and risk assess all activities in line with a risk benefit statement.

  • Any accidents or injuries involving a staff member are monitored, see the Health and Safety Policy.

  • We record all details of accidents and incidents in a central place, make these available for parents/carers to sign and provide a copy for parents/carers, ensuring that all completed forms are stored in accordance with the Information and Records policy.

  • This policy should be read in conjunction with the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy and the Emergency Evacuation Procedure.

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