Positive Behaviour
Policy Intention
This policy ensures that we remain responsible for managing children’s behaviour in an appropriate way.
We are committed to demonstrating an understanding of ages and/or stages of child development and the role of the adult in supporting children with behaviour including the development of self-regulation and co-regulation to meet children’s individual needs.
Children must have the opportunity to build positive relationships with their peers and the adults caring for them so they are able to develop and grow in confidence. Respect and care will be maintained at all times.
Corporal punishment, or the deliberate act of inflicting pain or discomfort, will never be given or threatened by ourselves.
We have in place: clear routines to help children feel secure; enabling environments based on agreed principles; expected behaviours and positive behaviour strategies that place an importance on well-being and involvement.
Learning & Development
All support we provide considers the unique child, their well being and stage of development and a developmentally appropriate physical and emotional environment.
We take all reasonable steps to understand and support children's behaviour, monitoring and recording all significant and repeated behaviours to learn more about the child.
Behaviours will be discussed with the parents/carers of the child concerned so that together any behavioural issues can be resolved and behavioural strategies can be put in place to ensure consistency, see the Parent Partnerships Policy.
Safeguarding & Welfare
Staff are mentored/coached, trained and supported to understand behaviours associated with ages and/or stages. Staff will ensure a consistent approach and work together to support the child.
The key person as outlined in the Key Person Policy is responsible for monitoring behaviours.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that corporal punishment is not given by any person who cares for, or is in regular contact with the child, following the Safeguarding Policy.
We communicate with parents/carers to discuss a child’s care and any issues or concerns in conjunction with the Parent Partnerships Policy.
If a child requires physical intervention, this is done in line with support and guidance from either knowledgeable and experienced staff or other agencies.
All physical intervention is recorded where we have to prevent children from injuring themselves or others, damaging property or to avert immediate danger.