Safer Recruitment
Policy Intention
This policy instils a culture of safer recruitment and adopts recruitment procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children.
We want the very best people to work with children in our setting and we must protect our children against people who may want to harm them, commit a criminal offence against them, behave in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children or who may not be suitable to work with children.
This policy covers the recruitment, selection and pre-employment vetting of a potential employee.
We employ people to care and educate children and this involves teaching and supervising, close contact and intimate and personal care routines.
We work with others to ensure staff are suitable and can adhere to our policies and procedures, commit to our ethos and understand their responsibilities under the EYFS.
Safeguarding & Welfare
We ensure that all staff looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles.
Candidates are interviewed by a panel of at least two people and safeguarding questions are asked as part of the interview process.
We have robust systems in place for pre-employment checks e.g. health declaration, DBS and references.
We record information about staff qualifications, record DBS numbers and date and consider update service for ongoing checks. DBS documentation will not be kept by us.
We are responsible for ensuring that we obtain information that would deem a staff member unsuitable to work with children.
Any disqualification must be disclosed and government guidance followed. All staff receive a comprehensive induction.
All staff follow their individual roles and responsibilities. We recruit with the knowledge and experience that pertains to any vacancies.
Necessary checks are undertaken for staff who have lived or worked abroad to ensure they have the right to work in the UK.
We follow identification and verification procedures.
We give staff details of how to apply and record a DBS check including use of update service.
We ask potential employees to verify their mental and physical fitness required to carry out the role.
We request any potential employees discuss past allegations or disciplinary action.
Thorough checking of qualifications and references is undertaken and references are recorded.
We use application forms and/ or request an up-to-date CV.
We have clear job roles and person specifications for vacancies and follow set interview questions.
Records of interviewees and applications are held in line with the Information and Records Policy.