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Policy Intention


This policy demonstrates that ongoing development of skills, abilities and knowledge is a vital part of everyone’s role and responsibilities.

It is important to keep updated, reflect on all areas of our practice, curriculum, and pedagogy so we continually improve and develop our practice.

We are committed to ensuring the staff are up to date with legislation, good practice, theory, and research. We will ensure staff are well-informed, and reflective so children are provided with high quality experiences in a supportive environment that enable them to grow, learn and develop.

We are committed to fostering a positive, collaborative culture, where staff understand the settings vision and core values and they form part of the cycle of supervision and/or performance management.

Effective supervision provides ongoing coaching and continuous improvement for staff that contributes to professional development.

A high-quality provision is secured with a staff team that delivers outcomes through day-to-day experiences and interactions, which has a significant impact on children’s holistic development.




Learning & Development

  • We ensure all staff have a good understanding of our curriculum and pedagogy to be able to respond to and provide for every child's emerging needs and interests.

  • We monitor children’s learning and development and provide a safe and stimulating environment for them to play and learn.




  • We ensure all staff understand how to observe, assess, and plan for children's individual needs, learning and development.

  • Our staff are trained to understand and follow the Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy and procedures so they can identify possible signs of neglect and abuse at the earliest opportunity.


Safeguarding & Welfare


  • We undertake core training as identified in the EYFS and all staff follow their individual roles and responsibilities.

  • We record information about staff qualifications and have sight of original qualification documentation as part of pre-employment checks see the Safer Recruitment Policy.

  • Staff receive regular and effective supervision as part of supporting coaching and training.

  • We ensure that all staff have approved qualifications and follow the ratio requirements in the EYFS.

  • We remain accountable for staff training – so that they understand and implement the EYFS and they continually develop their knowledge, skills and practice in all areas.

  • We ensure that at least one person who has a current paediatric first aid certificate is on the premises at all times, accompanies children on outings and follows guidance in the EYFS around paediatric first aid in line with the Health & Safety Policy.

  • Staff receive induction training that includes information about emergency evacuation procedures, safeguarding, chid protection and health and safety issues.

  • Staff will be provided with training where the administration of medication requires medical or technical knowledge in line with the Administering Medicines Policy.

  • All staff involved in preparation and handling of food will receive food hygiene training.


Other useful policies:

  • Supervision Policy

Continued Professional Development

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